Hiring a Search Consultant? Ask these Questions

Hiring Search

You need to hire an agency. Something happened. Maybe sales, revenue or market share are declining. Perhaps there is new competition threatening your business. Or you have new needs that your current agency can’t support. Maybe your current agency isn’t cutting it. Your firm may have new leadership, or maybe you are the new leader […]

Dull ads waste billions $

Dull advertising is wasting billions

Is your advertising driving your business ahead, enhancing brand equity and building market share? Most advertising does not do those things. Most is readily forgettable and is wasting much of the media investment supporting it. But there is hope! Hot off the presses: The Extraordinary Cost of Dull is a must read whitepaper and must […]

How to boost your brand

How to boost your brand

Are you investing in your brand, yet your business is not responding?  Or are you working in a business that is stuck with a low ceiling because of a predominant focus on performance marketing?  Perhaps your company has a sales-driven culture and it’s hard to get enhanced brand investment. Maybe you face tough competition and […]

Agencies behaving badly

Agencies behaving badly

Clients catch a lot of well-deserved flack in agency land.  180-day terms! Negotiating down to near unprofitability! 6- or 9-month reviews! Short agency tenure! Focus on hours and not results!  There is a lot of truth to how some (a small number, I believe) clients have behaved very, very poorly at the expense of the […]

What advertisers must know about MFA sites


So much has been written about both the effectiveness of programmatic advertising as well as the chaotic, costly and broken digital supply chain that is difficult to know how to think or feel about programmatic. The ANA jumped into the fray a few months ago with some very helpful counsel in their “Programmatic Media Supply […]

Jumping the Shark at Cannes

Jumping the Shark at Cannes

Cannes has arrived. And if you or your team are attending, your T&E budget may never be the same!  Of course, The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is the most prestigious advertising awards show in the world. The history is amazing and the work awarded often incredibly compelling.  And often there are presentations worthy […]

The secret to effective scope & $ discussions

Success Stories

Very few clients or agency people like to discuss money. At best it’s a necessary evil, and at worst it is nerve wreaking and painful.  And maybe because of what seems like the inherent stress involved in these discussions, the norm is to do this poorly. Clients often expect far more than they can afford. […]

The Secret Marketing & Agency Community Power

The Secret Marketing & Agency Community Power

Last week I attended the 2024 Build a Better Agency Summit and I was struck by the amazing community that the Agency Management Institute has created. Over 400 executives from small and mid-sized agencies attended and the overall feeling I came away with was one of close, almost familial ties. It felt like the world’s […]

Service matters!

Service matters!

I’m on a long flight today and the experience has been a good reminder that a big part of an agency’s product is the service they deliver. And clients play a significant role in that service.  Back to my travel story! We had left the airline lounge and the hot coffee and treats to find […]