How Agencies can work more effectively with Agency Search Consultants: The 4 R’s

How Agencies can work more effectively with Agency Search Consultants: The 4 R’s

Search Consultants play an important role in the agency world. They may only represent about 25% of agency searches, but typically manage the biggest searches. They are an important gate keeper. Given their role, we’re often asked how agencies can work more effectively with search consultants. What’s the key? The key to working with search […]

How not to react when your agency loses a pitch

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We recently ran a creative review for a fine regional brand. The client was battling much larger competition and were outspent dramatically. The client needed new breakthrough creative to help their budget work harder. They knew that the right agency partner, creating the right work, could be the marketing effectiveness multiplier they needed to compete. […]

A fast start to the pitch process helps agencies win

Faster Start

A well-run pitch process can set up an agency for success. This sounds obvious, yet we often see agencies lose for the wrong reasons. Often they simply save too much work for too late in the process. Agencies often get off to a slow start in prepping for a pitch. We often see agencies not […]

Winning With a Template

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How to Write an RFI Response Without Starting From Scratch In any new business opportunity, putting your agency’s best foot forward is a balancing act of time and resources. Devoting the time and effort it takes to win can be a challenge, particularly for smaller agencies that don’t have a dedicated person in the new […]

Cover Letters that Win


Written proposals! They can be the bane of an agency’s existence. If only prospective clients knew how much time and effort agencies put into these babies. The sad truth is that they have no idea. In fact, and it pains me to share this, in our experience many clients don’t even read them all the […]

How to kick off a more persuasive agency pitch


Most agencies kick off their pitches – and spend the first 20-30 minutes – talking about themselves. Perhaps they are sharing a history of the agency, or their capabilities or a case study. The agency team is proud of their agency’s success, client list and capabilities. And those agencies may be losing their audience from […]

5 Strategies to Win: Small Agency of the Year

ad age small agency of the year awards

An agency can enjoy amazing benefits from winning Small Agency of the Year. The agency’s reputation grows! Team morale swells! The phone rings! And many Small Agency of the Year winners have gone on to enjoy incredible success. Given the importance of the award to building a small agency’s reputation, many small agency owners and […]

Small Agency of the Year: How the Winners Won

adage small agency awards

Small Agency of the Year winners enjoy many benefits from their hard work, talent and success. The agency team’s morale gets a huge boost. The award enhances the agency’s reputation. It’s evidence of both talent and success. It puts unknown agencies on the map and elevates known agencies to a new level of acclaim. It […]

Small Agency of the Year: Why agencies should apply, and why CMOs should care

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At Mercer Island Group, we love agencies. The best agencies, with the best clients, can drive immense returns on a client’s investment and can change the entire future direction of brands and companies for the better. We not only love agencies, but we also love agencies of all sizes. And there is a special place […]